Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This one time I was asked to name a animal that started with "TH" to which I emphatically replied, "THESAURUS!!!"

This one time I was told me meet my friend in the early afternoon. I showed up at 11am and called her to scold her for being late. I said, "Lindsey! I thought you said early afternoon?" To which she replied, "Missy, early AFTER NOON... as in AFTER 12." Oooohhhh riighhhtttt...

This one time my mom was hanging up curtains in my room. They were fairly heavy and she was struggling a bit. My dad looked at me and said, "Melissa, give her a hand!" and in all seriousness, I started clapping.

This one time my room mates friend had run away and no one could find her. Obviously my room mate was upset. While she was telling me the details of the story, I looked at her very concerned and said, "Where is she??" Good news is I lightened the mood because my room mate couldn't stop laughing as she said, "Missy, if we knew that, we wouldn't have a problem..."

Ya know the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause" ... yeah, that's the dad dressed up as Santa. I always thought the mom was just being a skeeze.

I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but as I remember, I'll be sure to share.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My life as....

the most forgetful person on the planet.

I would just like to do a simple recap of the past 2 weeks of my life and the things I have lost (and when I say lost, I mean, REALLY lost).

1. My computer charger (twice)
The first time I found it a day later in the library
The second time I found it, also a day later, in the office of the Liberal Arts Building where someone had so kindly turned it in for me. Tangled with it was my tablet charger (which I didn't even know was missing)

2. My keys (twice)
The first time I found them, also a day later, INSIDE a chair at the Wesley Foundation
The second time... well, I haven't exactly found them yet...

3. My debit card
Found TWO days later in Ellisville?!?

4. My phone
Well, let's just say that this might have been the situation that sparked this blog... meaning, I still haven't found that either.

Others... I lose my Student ID (which is also the key to my room) pretty much once a day, if not more. I've also lost my planner a few times... and in the midst of all of this, I've lost my mind.

I need help. Or a fanny pack.

The end.

** Sidenote. After I wrote this, I friend found my phone WITH MY OTHER SET OF KEYS that I didn't even realize was gone. EPIC FAIL***

*** Double sidenote. When my friend gave me my keys, i promptly threw them down in a fit of rage and then forgot to pick them up. They were later turned into the LAB office... again... ****