Thursday, January 6, 2011


Until I have something more insightful to write about, these are the new words I've learned while reading my latest book:

Fortuitous- happening by accident or chance rather than design

Dubious- hesitating and doubting

Itinerant- traveling from place to place

Zeitgeist- the defining spirit of mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time

Insidious- proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects

Mollify- appease the anger or anxiety of (someone)

Kitsch- art, objects, or designs considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garnishes or sentimentality but sometimes appreciated is an ironic or knowing way

Ubiquity- present, appearing, or found everywhere

Eschews- deliberately avoids using; abstain from

Maudlin- self-pitying or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness

Burgeon- begin to grow or increase rapidly, flourish

Sadism- the tendency to derive pleasure from inflecting pain on others

Erudite- having or showing great knowledge or learning

Evocative- bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind

My favorite find was zeitgeist. I thought it was a really interesting word and definition.

I love learning. The end.


  1. Hipster Christianity. It's about the church in today's culture. It's really interesting. You should read it :)
