Friday, December 2, 2011

My Narnia.

It's exam season. Exam season is always stressful and every year I think it can't get any worse... Except every year seems to somehow top the last in mind boggling assignments and terms papers all due at once.

I freak out every year around this time. I call me mom crying every year around this time. It's almost become a tradition. But, I've always made it through and I've always come out the other side with great grades.

This year, in an attempt to counter the incredible load of stress I am under, I've been clinging to Psalm 23. It's my go-to (along with Isaiah 43). The poetic scripture never gets old.

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still water.
He RESTORES my soul...

As I was laying in bed last night, my eyes were swollen from crying due to the amount of unfortunate situations that occurred yesterday, I started saying those words over and over again. I closed me eyes and I said to myself, "Psalm 23 is a literally place and He wants to take me there." And I contemplated the reality of this place, the Lord began to liken it to Narnia. He said, "Psalm 23 is like your Narnia. Close your eyes and enter into the wardrobe of the word. Suddenly, you are royalty. Suddenly you have left a world at war behind and entered into a place of peace and victory. And it is beautiful"

I fell asleep rather quickly and woke up feeling refreshed. I realized on my way to class that I had forgotten to print out the paper I stayed up late working on (go figures) so I made a quick stop at the library and just had to run to class. After I told my classmate about what the past few days have entailed, he replied, "How are you even smiling?" In my heart I said, "I've been to Narnia"

1 comment:

  1. Neat, Miss. Thanks for sharing. Way to let Him be your reality.
