It's the day after Christmas. The excitement is slowly dying down. The presents have been unwrapped, the child's curiosity eased. We've reached the climax of the holiday season and now we settle in for the ride back down.
Leading up to Christmas, we hustle and bustle, trying to get everything ready for family and friends. I found myself running, stressing, cleaning, and even crying trying to have all my presents done in time.
In the midst of the rushing, God spoke quietly to my heart. I almost missed it because I was so consumed with the material. He words hung sweetly in the air until I reached to grasp them with my heart. "I came." The two words resounded in my soul. He came. I stopped what I was doing to think about what I just realized. THE Godman, infinite and magnificent, wrapped himself in the skin of his created being and CAME to earth. I feel as though the magnitude of this concept is often overlooked due to the familiarity of the story. We set out the nativity scene, sing songs about the Holy Night, but our hearts completely miss the enormity of this simple act.
Driven by the desperation to bring humanity back to himself, the Everlasting God of the ages became a baby, born in a barn. The most powerful being, uncreated and eternal, made himself helpless... Because he wanted me. He wanted YOU to be reconciled to himself. The life of Jesus is remarkable. The lengths He was willing to go to for a relationship with feeble, unfaithful sinners. I will never fully understand the depths of His love and desire.
He came. Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.
This is so lovely. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of how amazing our Lord is.