Monday, March 21, 2011

This is the Way.

There is a graceful fluidity to following Father. I look back on the what seemed to be disastrous transitions and misplacements and I see a beautiful puzzle coming together. My life was and is full of awkward and sudden changes. But, I'm beginning to see how each part plays into the greater purpose. It is mind-blowing.

But, what's next? I feel another change is on the horizon. I hear the voice of the Shepherd gently leading me little by little in specific directions. While the Holy Spirit is so kindly leading me in one area, I feel in other aspects of my life, there is complete silence. I find myself getting so impatient with Him. Why can't I know everything right now?! As if He hasn't proven Himself as completely faithful and trustworthy... Praise the Lord, He is gloriously faithful and worthy of every ounce of trust we can muster up.

Instead of becoming stagnant in my frustration that He hasn't answered ALL my questions about what's to come, I'm moving forward in what I know He's made clear to me. I will not stop seeking for answers in the blind places, but I will walk confidently in what I know He HAS said. The rest will come in His perfect time.

"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left." Isaiah 30:21