Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Holiest Night.

It's the day after Christmas. The excitement is slowly dying down. The presents have been unwrapped, the child's curiosity eased. We've reached the climax of the holiday season and now we settle in for the ride back down.

Leading up to Christmas, we hustle and bustle, trying to get everything ready for family and friends. I found myself running, stressing, cleaning, and even crying trying to have all my presents done in time.

In the midst of the rushing, God spoke quietly to my heart. I almost missed it because I was so consumed with the material. He words hung sweetly in the air until I reached to grasp them with my heart. "I came." The two words resounded in my soul. He came. I stopped what I was doing to think about what I just realized. THE Godman, infinite and magnificent, wrapped himself in the skin of his created being and CAME to earth. I feel as though the magnitude of this concept is often overlooked due to the familiarity of the story. We set out the nativity scene, sing songs about the Holy Night, but our hearts completely miss the enormity of this simple act.

Driven by the desperation to bring humanity back to himself, the Everlasting God of the ages became a baby, born in a barn. The most powerful being, uncreated and eternal, made himself helpless... Because he wanted me. He wanted YOU to be reconciled to himself. The life of Jesus is remarkable. The lengths He was willing to go to for a relationship with feeble, unfaithful sinners. I will never fully understand the depths of His love and desire.

He came. Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thank[FULL]ness - A response to Ann VosKamp's "One Thousand Gifts"

There is something beautifully intentional about God's ordination of my reading this book in the middle of the Thanksgiving holiday. Not only was my mindset beginning to transform from the thought of continual thanksgiving, but everything around me became a constant reminder of how worthy the Father is of our constant praise.

The author, Ann VosKamp, takes the reader on her journey from questioning fear to trusting thankfulness. She likens remembrance to that of a bridge. Thankfulness is the looking back at the raging river, only to see the safe, sturdy bridge on which you crossed. It did not fall. Remembering the crossing builds up the trust that next time a river approaches, torrents bursting, white with foam, he will once again build a bridge that will allow safe crossing. Isaiah 43 says, "When you pass through the river, it will not overtake you"

But thankfulness is so much more than a trust builder, its an opportunity to see God. In the everyday, the mundane, the minuscule, we stop and we see his goodness. We see Him. Moses asked to see God and His goodness passed before him. As we were sitting around the Thanksgiving table, we shared what we were thankful for... family, friends, food... All eyes on me, I couldn't help but think about this idea churning in my head. I am thankful that God allows us to see him, to encounter him in the everyday, in the moments, in the good and the bad. He is there, waiting to be found by our thankful hearts and searching eyes.

A sunset painted sky 
The overgrown tree clinging through the sidewalk 
Children's laughter 

He is there. Our infinite, unfathomable God, humbles himself and wraps himself in gifts, which he delights to watch us unwrap. "It's the glory of God to hide a matter, and it's the glory of kings to search it out." Thankfulness begins the searching. It opens eyes to begin to find God in the moments, the gifts. He is a good Father who gives good gifts, himself

Friday, December 2, 2011

My Narnia.

It's exam season. Exam season is always stressful and every year I think it can't get any worse... Except every year seems to somehow top the last in mind boggling assignments and terms papers all due at once.

I freak out every year around this time. I call me mom crying every year around this time. It's almost become a tradition. But, I've always made it through and I've always come out the other side with great grades.

This year, in an attempt to counter the incredible load of stress I am under, I've been clinging to Psalm 23. It's my go-to (along with Isaiah 43). The poetic scripture never gets old.

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still water.
He RESTORES my soul...

As I was laying in bed last night, my eyes were swollen from crying due to the amount of unfortunate situations that occurred yesterday, I started saying those words over and over again. I closed me eyes and I said to myself, "Psalm 23 is a literally place and He wants to take me there." And I contemplated the reality of this place, the Lord began to liken it to Narnia. He said, "Psalm 23 is like your Narnia. Close your eyes and enter into the wardrobe of the word. Suddenly, you are royalty. Suddenly you have left a world at war behind and entered into a place of peace and victory. And it is beautiful"

I fell asleep rather quickly and woke up feeling refreshed. I realized on my way to class that I had forgotten to print out the paper I stayed up late working on (go figures) so I made a quick stop at the library and just had to run to class. After I told my classmate about what the past few days have entailed, he replied, "How are you even smiling?" In my heart I said, "I've been to Narnia"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This one time I was asked to name a animal that started with "TH" to which I emphatically replied, "THESAURUS!!!"

This one time I was told me meet my friend in the early afternoon. I showed up at 11am and called her to scold her for being late. I said, "Lindsey! I thought you said early afternoon?" To which she replied, "Missy, early AFTER NOON... as in AFTER 12." Oooohhhh riighhhtttt...

This one time my mom was hanging up curtains in my room. They were fairly heavy and she was struggling a bit. My dad looked at me and said, "Melissa, give her a hand!" and in all seriousness, I started clapping.

This one time my room mates friend had run away and no one could find her. Obviously my room mate was upset. While she was telling me the details of the story, I looked at her very concerned and said, "Where is she??" Good news is I lightened the mood because my room mate couldn't stop laughing as she said, "Missy, if we knew that, we wouldn't have a problem..."

Ya know the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause" ... yeah, that's the dad dressed up as Santa. I always thought the mom was just being a skeeze.

I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but as I remember, I'll be sure to share.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My life as....

the most forgetful person on the planet.

I would just like to do a simple recap of the past 2 weeks of my life and the things I have lost (and when I say lost, I mean, REALLY lost).

1. My computer charger (twice)
The first time I found it a day later in the library
The second time I found it, also a day later, in the office of the Liberal Arts Building where someone had so kindly turned it in for me. Tangled with it was my tablet charger (which I didn't even know was missing)

2. My keys (twice)
The first time I found them, also a day later, INSIDE a chair at the Wesley Foundation
The second time... well, I haven't exactly found them yet...

3. My debit card
Found TWO days later in Ellisville?!?

4. My phone
Well, let's just say that this might have been the situation that sparked this blog... meaning, I still haven't found that either.

Others... I lose my Student ID (which is also the key to my room) pretty much once a day, if not more. I've also lost my planner a few times... and in the midst of all of this, I've lost my mind.

I need help. Or a fanny pack.

The end.

** Sidenote. After I wrote this, I friend found my phone WITH MY OTHER SET OF KEYS that I didn't even realize was gone. EPIC FAIL***

*** Double sidenote. When my friend gave me my keys, i promptly threw them down in a fit of rage and then forgot to pick them up. They were later turned into the LAB office... again... ****

Friday, August 26, 2011

True Life.

I just thought I would share some interesting conversations I've had since I've been back at school.

1) While I was ordering some breakfast:

Lady- What's your name?
Me- Missy
Lady- Watch out now!
Me- Excuse me?
Lady- You're name is Missy! Watch out now!
Me- (awkward laugh)
Lady- Thank you Miss MISSY (emphasis on the Missy)

I'm still trying to figure out what that even means.

2) While I was walking to class

Friend: Sometimes I just think to myself, Dang, Missy Martinez is freakin cool!
Me: (interrupting) Aw! Thanks!
Friend: (finishing his sentence) but then you do something really dorky and I'm like, oh nevermind.


Friday, August 19, 2011

In regards to us receiving complete forgiveness from the Father, Bill Johnson says,

"When the enemy brings up a sin from your past, he is talking about something non-existent. It's completely legal for you to say, "I didn't do that. The person who did that is dead."

What an amazing weapon against guilt and shame.

"We know that our old self has been crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin...For sin has no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." Romans 6

"As far as the east of from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us." Psalm 103